What is the influence behind your artistic expression ?
My style is part of the figurative painting. I trust an accurate technical research and I study the expressiveness of the face. I was inspired by the studies on light of Caravaggio and by the expressivity
of Francis Bacon. I think both have been able to understand and to translate into images the complexity of the human heart.

Why the feminine face ?
I try to capture the intense inner being of my feminine faces, which have a covered gaze. When I’m painting I tell about myself, picking what is attracting and fascinating me the most, that is a woman’s face. Unconsciously I’m looking for unusual faces, even the imperfect ones. In a woman’s face I like its elegance and the grace of the expression. I don’t see my models as women and I’m always looking for the harmony of their forms.
What is the reason you hide the gaze, in your artworks ?
My girls with closed eyes, often covered by objects for every day use, represent my attempt to run away from reality . This is to look inside ourselves, away from daily chaos, to find a space where a silent introspection is possible. “Dietro agli occhi chiusi un aprirsi al dentro”(behind closed eyes to open to the inside), in fact, was the motto accompanying my first series of women with the gaze negated. I love to show, hiding it, the mystery inside any body else.

How did you start your artistic experience ?
I started from the world of colors. Since I was a child, I helped my older brother to pick the colors for his works. He is a painter too, but he’s affected by a form of color blindness. I started using oil, then I
experimented the acrylic on canvas technique, which I still use. Daily, I spend many hours at my studio to paint my works. I think that my art is fully representing me, reflecting my personality, which is distinguished by a constant and obsessive aesthetic research.
How do you live the relationship between artist and art Gallery ?
Dal 2009 collaboro costantemente con Vecchiato Art Galleries. L’incontro è iniziato con Dante , che ricordo con grande affetto, e continua oggi con Cinzia ed il suo staff. Credo che per un artista sia fondamentale la collaborazione con una galleria, perchè gli consente di misurarsi con i colleghi e con il mercato, ampliando il proprio raggio di azione e di comunicazione. Improvvisamente ti accorgi di non
dipingere più per te stesso , senti che il tuo lavoro ha uno scopo , un fine che prima intravedevi soltanto. In questi ultimi anni , grazie al costante confronto con la Vecchiato Art Galleries, ho colto come vi sia un rinnovato interesse per la figurazione, e la riscoperta dell’artista come colui che sa creare ,unendo capacità tecnica ed espressività.
Since 2009 I’m collaborating with Vecchiato Art Galleries. I first met Dante, who I remember with great
love and today the relationship continues with Cinzia and her staff. I think that for an artist the collaboration with a gallery is fundamental, because it allows him to confront with other artists and with the market. It makes him expand his/her range of action and at that of communication. Suddenly, you realize that you are not painting for yourself anymore. You feel that your work has a purpose you could barely see before. In the last years, thanks to the constant support of Vecchiato Art Galleries, I understood there is a refreshed interest on figurative painting and on rediscovering an artist that knows how to create, combining technical ability and expressivity.