what fun it is to go for… daubstby Director Ferruccio Gard
I already discussed the fact that in contemporary art ugliness sometimes replaces beauty and, at times, it’s even more appreciated. Although in many cases speculation intervenes, such as for the aesthetically disturbing formaldehyde shark by Damien Hirst, which was bought for over 10 million dollars. What’s curious is that a growing number of artists appear to favour ugliness and have a (bad) taste for making horrendous artworks, without the presumption of believing that in the future they could be worth a fortune. They’re blissfully and merrily satisfied, maybe even convinced of doing good for others. In short, they’re good samaritans of the arts. And so, as already reported in a previous editorial, in 1993 in Boston, USA, the MOBA (Museum of Bad Art) was born, and now it has even been enlarged. The director Louise Sacco and the curator Michael Frank share a passion for wandering through squalid flea markets, stands and junk shops looking for the worst they can find. But… the best is yet to come: the MOBA has been receiving donations from all over the world! Well, as it turns out, there are artists, or self-professed ones, proud to showcase their (sic) artworks at what would like to be.. the museum of the arts of the slums. Because the museum is successful and could (alas) have opened a pathway. In Bucharest, the capital of Romania, a Museum of the kitsch was inaugurated. It’s a serious matter, and the owner Christian Lica said to the Washington Post that he gained his experience by visiting 500 museums and collecting kitsch items for 21 years. Kitsch, he said, “is art that failed, but it’s still a form of expression”. Well then, next up, there won’t be any difficulty in filling similar museums. I almost forgot: the admission ticket is 6.58 euro (reduced for Romanians). The first work on exhibit, at the entrance of the museum, an encouraging business card, is a copy of the David by Michelangelo, with a golden chain around his neck and a bulky dollar-shaped pendant, also golden, of course. They say it’s worth a visit – “Bad and Kitsch” fun is guaranteed.